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Desert Island Drum Compression Setting

compression Sep 26, 2022

Last week we looked at my desert island drum eq setting. This week we look at compression.


How to Hear Multi-Band Compression

compression Jan 10, 2022

Here’s what to listen for as you use multi-band compression.


How to Hear Compression on Kick Drum

compression Nov 11, 2021

Do you know exactly what compression sounds like on kick drum, and how to customize it to get just the right amount of snap and punch? This video will help.


Compression vs Normalization: Whatโ€™s the Difference?

compression Oct 18, 2021

Are you clear on the differences between compression and normalization?


5 Rules of Vocal Compression

compression vocals Jan 28, 2021

Today I’m following up my 3 Vocal EQ Rules with some talk on using compression on vocals. Enjoy!


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